The Burnette Agency

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Why You Need to Hire a Professional Designer

Every business needs a graphic designer at some point, and often, people know someone who “does graphic design.” Usually someone has a friend or family member who knows a bit about Photoshop and will gladly create something for them at no charge. However, it is important to recognize the difference between someone who designs occasionally or as a hobby, and someone who is technically trained and is an experienced professional. Here’s why:

1. Target Your Audience 

A professional graphic designer sees through your eyes as the client, and considers your brand image and voice in every decision. Engaging customers takes more than just being extremely visible. The customer needs to take something away, like a prize for the engagement. The only way to give them that is to truly know their demographic and the ways in which your brand fits into their lifestyle.


2. Stand Out

Digital marketing today is based on standing out in a sea of posts from both individuals and businesses. A professional designer can help you fine tune your image and marketing collateral so that it is expertly catered to your consumer and so you don’t get buried in everyone’s timeline or inbox.


3. No Trace

A pro leaves no fingerprints behind. Graphic designers are responsible for maintaining the brand as if it were a garden - keeping each flower accounted for and carefully labeled while never leaving behind tools or misspelled words. A professional designer won’t waste your time committing to what they are not qualified for, because they can have as much to lose as you!


Whether you’re just starting to need design services or are looking to start investing in design for the first time, make sure the designer or agency you’re working with has a portfolio of work you can feel confident in and they are able to commit to providing you with the best services possible!

Are you interested in graphic design services? Send us an email at