The Burnette Agency

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5 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Feed

We all want more Instagram followers, right? With over 400 million daily active users, Instagram is by far the fastest growing social media platform. With so many users checking in daily, Instagram is providing businesses with more marketing opportunities than ever before. Even if you aren’t obsessed with your follower count going up, simple Instagram tips can always come in handy, and The Burnette Agency is here to give you advice on how to put your brand’s best foot forward.


1.  Establish An Aesthetic

As we all know - Instagram is all about the visuals. It’s draw to us is that the average, everyday person is able to magically become a photographer through their daily activities. From a social media business perspective, it’s vital to have a uniform look and feel to your Instagram feed to strengthen your brand’s identity. As social media professionals we cannot stress the importance of brand consistency. Making the effort to keep your messages consistent can help you cultivate a loyal following throughout all your social media platforms.

2. Make The Most Of User-Generated Content

The Account Coordinators at The Burnette Agency can tell you firsthand that content creation at scale is no easy task, and this includes visual content. One great way to lessen the load is by “outsourcing” to your audience. Although it may seem like your followers are amateurs, putting users in control of the content provides brands with an opportunity to strengthen consumer relationships. By actively engaging with your consumers, you not only maximize the conversion on your feed but can also expect to see sales opportunities. So keep in mind - incorporating user-generated content into your Instagram strategy not only saves time, but it can also boost engagement.

3. Consider the Caption

While Instagram is a visually-driven platform, that doesn’t mean you should neglect the text that accompanies your images. Although the caption is not the star of the show, remember that is another opportunity to reinforce your brand’s messaging. For example, The Burnette Agency’s Savannah Matthews works hand-in-hand with DaVinci’s, the Atlanta based pizzeria. Savannah is fabulous at pairing the appetizing photos of the handmade pizzas with fun and quirky captions that are perfectly in line with the restaurant’s unique brand. (Don’t believe me? Check it out).

4. Hashtags Exist For a Reason

In addition to adding some verbiage to your visuals, adding hashtags to your caption can help the visibility of your Instagram posts. To avoid cluttering your caption with all those hashtags, The Burnette Agency recommends prepping your caption in a word processor (aka not your phone) so you can add some line spaces in between the text and hashtags.


5. Always Use Natural Lighting

Like any photo, light is important. When taking a photo you’d like to post on your Instagram feed, always aim for natural light. Never try to force a photo that's in bad lighting, meaning don’t take the photo at night if you have the opportunity to take the same photo in the morning. If you’re in a pickle and just HAVE to post a photo and you need the light to cooperate, try using a photo editing app to use swatches to tone down the yellow light and make it look a little brighter.

By establishing visual consistency, asking your followers to contribute their own ideas, properly using hashtags, and taking into consideration the lighting and caption of your photos, it won’t be long before you’re brand has a stronger Instagram presence and following. If you have any questions or want to learn more about social media tips, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Email us at or give us a call at 404-850-2081.