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How to Deal with Rejection

Rejection is a very hard pill to swallow. It can lead to feelings of failure, disappointment, and depression. Everyone has a dream, a vision, or a goal that they want to achieve in their adult life. It doesn’t come easy like some of the celebrities, influencers, or CEO’s we all know, and most of the time it requires a lot of hard work. Think of rejection as a building block to building your dream, your vision, or your goals! At the beginning of this process, before you get started, you’ve got to get into the mindset that you are an overcomer. An Overcomer is a person who overcomes something, one who succeeds in dealing with or gaining control of some problem or difficulty. No matter what you see at the end of your path, there will be trials, tribulations, and tests that are going to challenge you along the way. You’re going to fall but you will overcome it because you will get back up. Rejection is tiresome. It drains your mind, your spirit, and your physical health. Your mind starts to overthink and even wonder if you can reach your goal. Remember what I said, think like an overcomer. Here are some secrets that can help you deal with rejection while changing your mindset.

The first thing you want to do is write down what is true. This will require some soul-searching but you have to be accurate. Write down what is true about you and what are your strengths as well as your weaknesses. You do not have to be strong all the time, our weaknesses are what make us human. Don’t just think about it because you will forget, that is why it is so important to write it down.

Now that you have written it down, start to think of rejection as redirection. Sometimes being rejected means that there is something greater out there for us. I know it’s hard to get rejections one after the other, but once you reach that greatness those rejections help you understand what you had to go through in order to achieve such greatness. They help you learn lessons along the way so that you won’t make the same mistakes again.

Don’t forget to ask why. When we get a rejection, sometimes we forget that we have the right to go back and ask why we were rejected. This also helps us learn what weaknesses and skills we can work on to better ourselves for the next challenge. 

Rejection does come hard but with these three secrets, rejection can come as redirection. Rejection can help us get one step closer to our goal, and rejection can help us remember where we came from!