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Understanding Tik Tok’s Quick Success

While TikTok often feels like an overnight success, the short-form video platform fills a niche in social media that we never knew we needed. Youtube has seen massive success over the years for their video content, and Instagram and other photo-based social media is also thriving. The only thing missing was the perfect in-between: a video-focused platform with quick and easily consumable content. Youtube videos are often long and Instagram stories and even their “TV” videos are still on the shorter side. TikTok’s 15 or 60-second options are perfect for users to stay entertained and consume a lot of content in a short amount of time. 

You’ve likely heard the phrase “content is king” in reference to social media, but Tik Tok takes this concept to a whole new level. Their algorithm is vastly different from other forms of social media. While you can simply scroll through content from people you follow, the majority of time in the app is spent on the “for you” page where their algorithm determines what would pique your interest. The platform is all about the content itself rather than the creators following. If the TikTok algorithm thinks you will like something, it shows up on your “for you” page regardless if the creator is already well-known or not. This allows more people to be seen and more opportunities for things to go viral. 

The entire framework for the app is designed for the younger generation that is already on social media all of the time. They made the platform very user-friendly, easy to share, and easy to consume. With the short video length, it is hard to get bored of something before it’s over and onto the next. The app also encourages users to share content with their friends, which leads to an increase in users. Another benefit to the app is the fact that you don’t have to create a log in. The Chinese creators realized how logins deter new users, so they got rid of it completely so you can start watching content as soon as the app downloads. 

TikTok learned from its predecessor, Vine, and improved the concept. The TikTok platform gives a younger audience exactly what they are looking for- a place (mostly) free of parents and employers where they can join in on trends and hope to make it viral. By using music and incorporating dances and challenges that anyone can try, it allows people across the world to feel connected to the most recent online trends and feel like they are a part of something. 

TikTok has seen such huge success thanks to their understanding of what the younger generations are looking for in new social media platforms. The app is user-friendly, content-focused, and provides the opportunity to go viral if you create the right videos. People quickly find themselves consumed by the app and its never-ending stream of entertaining videos. TikTok perfectly filled the niche that social media needed.