The Burnette Agency

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Social Media Platforms: Which One Should I Choose?

The world of technology is filled with many social media platforms. You might be asking yourself: which one is right for me and my business? The decision depends on your audience. Let’s dive in and find out which social media platform is right for you!



Pictures, stories, likes, etc. Instagram is a very visual platform. Comprising of pictures, videos, GIFs, and more, Instagram is popular amongst a younger audience. If your company is trying to target a younger crowd, then you might want to utilize the Instagram app! If you need more information and tips about this app, read more on our blog posts involving Instagram.



Statuses, friends, reactions, albums, shares, etc. Facebook is interactive and one of the original social media platforms. If you have an audience with a wide range of ages, then Facebook will benefit you. Posting eye-catching videos and keeping up on comments is a definite boost!



Tweets, likes, memes, etc. Twitter is wordy. Many successful companies on Twitter tend to appeal to a younger audience. Because there is a much younger population on Twitter, companies make sure to appeal to their sense of humor, style, and habits.


Overall, having an account with each social media account can be beneficial to you and your company. The more your brand is updating and posting, the more people will tend to recognize your brand. Make sure you stay social!