The Burnette Agency

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To Boost or Not to Boost

Boosting posts is an extremely popular option right now. And honestly, sometimes it’s the only way to get people to see your content. Businesses want their posts to be in front of the right audience and rightfully so. But, are you boosting the right posts, the right way, at the right time? Here are some tips to make sure you know that you’re successfully boosting the right content.

The only way to know if you’re “boosting” the correct posts, is to do your research. Every single post does not need to be boosted because every post is not going to appeal to current or potential customers. Make sure that you study your audience, understand your demographic and document their trends. This will help you determine what posts should and shouldn’t be boosted. We generally feel that there are three MAIN types of posts that you should boost:


1. Posts that send people back to your website

Think about it this way. You are spending X amount of dollars on a post that is essentially acting as an ad. When you place an ad you are trying to generate a sale or build brand awareness. Boosted posts should work to either increase website traffic or get people to like your Facebook page so that they can learn more about your brand.


2. Posts that endorse sales

If you have a product or service that is going to be on sale and you are trying to announce it to your followers or a specific audience (for a short period of time), a boosted post is a great option. This can quickly help you get the message out and get in front of the right audience without having to create a full blown ad set.


3. Posts that give tips/advice to your audience

People love tips or ideas on how to better use the products they’ve invested in. If you have ideas, blogs, tips, etc. that are going to add value to the consumer, boost away! This will get your message in front of the right audience and if done right, can generate a multitude of shares.


Boosting posts can be great for your business if done right. Don’t boost every single post. It is a waste of money and not the point. Be strategic about it and implement it into your social media strategy. Organic reach is still important so we try to always let a post sit for 2 hours to generate organic likes and shares!


For help with your social media or communications needs, email us at or call at 404.850.2081.