The Burnette Agency

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How to Strengthen Customer Relations Using Social Media

When working with clients we like to emphasize the word “social” in social media. In order for clients or customers to engage with your brand’s platforms, you must first build a relationship with them!

Below we have outlined three ways The Burnette Agency can help your brand use social media to build client relationships:


1. Get to Know Individuals

If there are customers who constantly post about your brand, use that to your advantage! When we see quality photos our clients have been tagged in we ask for permission to repost it and add it to our content portfolios. Not only does using customer content allow you to show products being used, it also shows you love your customers and encourages others to post about their brand experience.



2.  Go To Your Customers

Gone are the days where businesses just have a storefront and wait for customers to come to them. In order to build strong client relationships, you have to know where your customers are. During our on-boarding process not only do we research where your customers spend their time, but also your competitors and their client-base. By going through this process we can create a plan to execute that will target specific audiences most likely to be interested in your brand as well as a plan to convert others.



3.  Make Your Brand Easily Available

If your brand’s Instagram account is private, your clients will have a hard time seeing your content or learning more about you. Another part of our on-boarding process is to make sure all social media platforms we will be working with are in the perfect conditions to reach the most potential clients. This includes all pages having a cohesive look, select hashtags chosen, and other components.


Without a strategy in place, it is difficult for brands to retain or grow an audience. With assistance from a PR and social media agency such as us, your brand will flourish. If you have any questions or are interested in building strong client relationships through social media, don’t hesitate to reach out! Email us at or give us a call at 404-850-2081.