Building Blocks

Life is an equation that everyone is still trying to figure out. We have to build it from the ground up. I believe life consists of these four elements; happiness, success, hardship, and loss. Here is some advice on the building blocks of life:

Let’s talk about the first one, happiness. Happiness is something that gives you joy that sustains you for more than a moment. Happiness is something that surrounds you with love, support, and a fuzzy feeling inside.. How can this apply to your business, can you ask? Hopefully, your business started with something that you love and something that you’re passionate about. Hopefully, the thing you are doing is something that makes you happy. Building a business is also a learning process so sometimes you have to weed out something or someone that isn’t bringing happiness to your business.

Success is usually the product from an abundance of failures. Sometimes we have to fail once, and sometimes we might have to fail multiple times. Yet, it is all worth it in the end! Success is given to us when we truly earn it. It makes success feel worth it! 

 Hardship is strangely my favorite. Hardship is very hard, but all worth it in the end. It makes us stronger, it makes us a believer, and it makes us fearless. While running a business and a brand, they’re gonna be moments where you lose hope. Hope is connected to confidence, and confidence is connected to faith. Once you come out on the other side, when you look back you realize that that moment defined where you are going. 

The last one is lost. It’s really hard to swallow loss especially when you’ve put your money and you invested yourself. Loss can be an indication that you need to go another route. Listen to your losses learn from your losses, and also gain from your losses. You can do anything you put your mind to it. It’s OK to fall back down, as long as you get back up.