Viral Trends Keeping Audiences Entertained During Quarantine

With the Covid-19 pandemic and everyone staying home for what feels like a lifetime, it is no surprise that the internet is full of viral trends keeping people occupied. Social media platforms are full of users putting their own spin on trends and finding new ways to stay busy. We put together the top three viral trends to know about or to give a try during quarantine. 

  1. Make some bread! No, we don’t mean putting a slice in the toaster. Go the whole nine yards and make it from scratch. Start with active yeast and make any kind of bread you want. The process takes several days, but odds are you have plenty of time on the weekends. Plus, who can resist a fresh piece of homemade bread? Content creators and all kinds of users are sharing their bread recipes and talking about the process on their platforms. If you’re really feeling fancy, make banana bread! 

  1. Revamp your old clothes. Influencers and DIY gurus are walking their audience through tie-dying everything from old t-shirts to sweatpants and even blankets. If you don’t have the materials for tie-dye, try painting a pattern on your clothes. All you need is a stencil and some fabric paint and you can create fun new patterned jeans (quaran-jeans if you will) or pretty much anything you can think of. Paint some stars onto those old mom jeans and you’re ready for the summer with what feels like a new wardrobe. You can find all kinds of inspiration on Pinterest and Instagram. 

  1. Try an online challenge. If you haven’t downloaded Tik Tok yet, you’re missing out on a never-ending stream of fun content that captivates you for hours. Content creators on the platform have started all kinds of new challenges that are a fun way to connect with your family or just try on your own. People are recreating baby photos as grown adults, testing out whipped coffee, tricking friends into pranks, and more. Challenges like these are a fun way to spend time with family and friends during quarantine, even if they’re on your last nerve by now. Different companies are making their own challenges to promote brand awareness during this time as well. A branded viral video can go a long way for bringing in customers! 

Whether you want to try these out yourself or just watch people online try them for hours, these trends are sure to keep you entertained when all else fails. If you give any of them a try, be sure and tag us @TheBurnetteAgency on Instagram!