Business Account vs. Personal Account

Creating a business account is crucial to your brand’s social media success, and the way you go about posting to it should be different than your personal account. You should be using your personal Instagram account to show aspects of your life to your friends and family. A business runs its Instagram account to help build an audience, and hopefully gain customers

First things first, if your company doesn’t already have a business account on Instagram you absolutely need one. The purpose of having a business account is that it gives you access to features that otherwise don’t exist on your personal account. You get insights on how many people your posts reach, the actions taken by your followers, and many more features that determine how well your posts are performing. 

Your personal Instagram account is great for keeping in touch with your friends and family. Personal Instagram accounts have features like linking to multiple Facebook accounts and keeping your posts private, these features are removed when switching to a business account. These features lost have no value to your business. When expanding your reach, the last thing you want to do is limit the number of people who can see your account. And linking to one Facebook page eliminates confusion for your followers. 

While personal accounts have a more organic to feel to them, your business account won’t feel like one big advertisement as long as you keep your content as authentic as possible. Read more here on how to make an authentic Instagram feed.

Your business account should have a higher focus on keeping a consistent theme more than your personal account. This means you have one filter you use or you try to photograph a more consistent color scheme. Making the switch to a business account is so easy and you’ll have so much more access to knowledge about the type of content your followers want to see from you.