Creating Personalized Content for Your Social Media Marketing

Personalization goes hand in hand with social media, as with any other platform where you’re offering content to your audience! It starts with the little things such as making sure you’re optimizing an image you used on Facebook before you share it with a different social platform. Want to generate more engagement, leads, and sales? Have you considered using personalized content in your marketing?

Personalized marketing is a strategy where you leverage data and analyzing data to deliver personalized and individualized content and marketing experiences to your target audience! A common and accessible form of personalized marketing is sending an email to a prospect after they’ve abandoned a shopping cart online or delivering personalized content to someone based on their past interests and behavior.

Another form of personalized marketing is when a website’s content changes based on the person who accesses it. An example of this is showing only relevant content (based on that person’s past interests) or changing the language and information presented on the website (based on the visitor’s location).

As technology advances and evolves, and consumer behavior changes along with their expectations, personalization isn’t just an extra anymore! This should be a large part of your company's overall strategy. At The Burnette Agency, it is our aim to tell your story through a variety of mediums, clarifying your voice and bringing overall brand awareness! Visit our website and fill out our contact form here or call us at 404.850.2081 for more information