Humanize Your Social Media

Humanizing your social media presence gives your brand the connection that your audience is looking for. It seems that the way social media is heading is back to its roots, a type of online cocktail party where close friends and family are mingling and catching up. No longer will media users stand for over cluttered feeds, filled with ads and promotions, people want the real thing. Here are a few simple ways you can change your social media posts to seem more authentic to your audience.

1. Highlight your employees. Show your audience whom they are working with. People love to hear the background stories and quirky facts of your team. When your audience feels that they know your team, they’ll remember your whole brand. Showcase your employees by posting behind the scenes tasks or by putting them in the spotlight for birthdays, holidays and other celebrations.

2. Post about the holidays. Everyone loves a reason to celebrate, even if it’s as simple as Frozen Yogurt Day. Showing your up to date and in the know with what’s going out can make your brand stand out in the social media crowd.

3. Repost user-generated content. By reposting brand-relevant content posted by your customers, you tell real-life success stories of your product. This shows your appreciation for your customers as well as showcasing how great your product or company is. This is also a sure way to raise engagement for your social account.