Maximizing Your Platform

When thinking of the traditional social media platforms for you to grow your business, what are the first things that come to mind? If you said Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you are not alone. These are the apps that have been most consistent when it comes to growing an online presence for yourself or your brand. This being said, many of us have been using these apps for a long time now and are looking to grow further…so, where do we go from here?

Luckily, we live in a time in which new social media trends and topics are coming out all the time, and with this comes new apps and platforms – so utilize them! There are many other social media apps out there that you may have never even considered using for growing your business – but you should.

LinkedIn is an app that is great for growing business. This is mostly because it is an app tailored to growing business connections. While it is not a traditional social media app as far as sharing any and all content, it is a perfect place for you to network and grow your brand’s platform on a business level. Here you can connect with many other professionals in your field, businesses that you want to gain inspiration from, potential employees, and even just people who may want to follow your brand.

TikTok is an example of an app where you can really show people your business or company in action. Whether you post clips from setting up your storefront, packing shipments, a quick video from the office introducing the people behind the magic, or even just a video displaying some of your products or work, it’s a great way for people to see your company and feel more connected to you and your business. Another great thing about TikTok is that people don’t need to be following you to see your content. Due to the algorithm that produces a feed for individuals based on their previously “liked” TikToks, your video could really show up on anyone’s feed which is fantastic for your exposure opportunities.

Snapchat is an app that you may not have really thought of for your business because it is typically used for communication between you and your friends, but why not try making an account for your company? Make this a public account so that anyone who wants to add you can see your stories. Use this in a similar way as we have described using TikTok. Post on your business Snapchat story throughout the day so that your followers can see what you’re up to behind the scenes and all of the things that are going into this business that they support.

The best thing about maximizing your social media presence for your brand is that it’s really just a better way for you to communicate with your followers and make them feel more in the loop. It’s really great to have a presence on all of these apps because it gives you a way to communicate with people on whichever app they feel most comfortable on. Along with all of this, creating a presence on each of these apps gives you even more space to promote your other accounts. For example, in your Instagram bio you should include all of your other social media accounts so that your followers know where to find you, or on TikTok at the end of your video you can include some promotion for all of your other apps. The options are really endless and it’s a great way for you to get creative with promoting yourself!