Unlocking Your Creativity

When I was in college, I took a creativity and innovation class. It was a 100 level course that initially looked extremely easy. Once I became acquainted with the class, I realized being creative is a struggle for most people. Creativity is the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of artistic work. Everybody wants to put out new ideas, new concepts, and new content, but sometimes we just get a creativity block. Here are some things that help me unblock my creativity.

One thing I like to do is think like a child. Think about it- when kids put their toys away, sometimes they put them where they don’t belong, but to them, it is still “put away.” For example, if a kid is playing with their toy truck, and it is time to put the truck away, the kid may put it with the building blocks. Why is that? Sometimes we do not know. The kid just focused on the task at hand, which was to put the toys away. Not thinking about the other obstacles, categories in this example, but just concentrate on the job is an excellent lesson to take away from this. 

I love to get a lot of inspiration from Pinterest. I create boards of looks that I want to try myself. One of my hobbies is beauty. I saw this look of a girl who drew on her make up as if she was crying. How creative would it be to have a stream of tears running down your face with glitter to show people the beauty in being vulnerable? All I saw was an inspirational post of a talented young lady doing her makeup, but while looking at that photo, I found another way to be creative.

My last piece of advice would be to shut the world out. Take time throughout your day to sit down without any of your blue light electronics and just close your eyes. Let your mind go blank, and after that time, you will feel refreshed. You will come out with a new mindset, and the juices in your brain will flow better. Take time during the week to go blank so that you can add color to your blank canvas when you wake up.