Atlanta Journalism

Up Your Public Speaking Game

Up Your Public Speaking Game

Public speaking is a skill every PR-junkie needs to have. Here are a few ways you can make your public speaking skills even better.

5 Big No-No's When Writing Email Campaigns

5 Big No-No's When Writing Email Campaigns

Email campaigns are a great tool for companies to share information. Follow these tips on how NOT to write them, and you'll be golden.

What To Know About Facebook Retargeting Ads

What To Know About Facebook Retargeting Ads

Target your customers in specific areas such as Atlanta or Tampa, with our introduction to Facebook retargeting ads. Learn how you can utilize your business's social media accounts, and gain new customers!

Is Your 'News' Newsworthy?

Is Your 'News' Newsworthy?

Every business believes their story is newsworthy, but journalists may think otherwise, especially in a large city such as Atlanta. Find out if your story is really front-page worthy, and how you can get it there with the help of our public relations experts.