personal brand

Up Your Public Speaking Game

Up Your Public Speaking Game

Public speaking is a skill every PR-junkie needs to have. Here are a few ways you can make your public speaking skills even better.

How to Make a GIF

How to Make a GIF

GIFs are a great way to break up the still photography in your feed and keep your audience engaged with your brand. Learn how to make a GIF in three easy steps!

Is Your 'News' Newsworthy?

Is Your 'News' Newsworthy?

Every business believes their story is newsworthy, but journalists may think otherwise, especially in a large city such as Atlanta. Find out if your story is really front-page worthy, and how you can get it there with the help of our public relations experts. 

Take Your Conversation OFF of Twitter

Take Your Conversation OFF of Twitter

Social media etiquette is important skill to have in this day and age. Learn proper use of Twitter's 140 character count from the best in social media and public relations in Atlanta!

5 FAQS About Personal Branding

5 FAQS About Personal Branding

While speaking at a Women's Leadership Conference in Atlanta, our founder, Arielle, compiled a few of her most asked questions about social media and personal branding. Read her tips on how you can portray your business and yourself correctly online.